So this week has just been a giant blur.. so much going on and certain projects draining me of all of the creativity..
So it started off on monday by getting email from J saying there was a few grants available through MTV for a one minute animation.. All good and well but it had to be sent off by thursday so we had 3 days to put together a script, storyboards and a proposal
The story had to reflect our country, culture and how the world views us.. and interwoven into this had to be a reflection of technology and communication in the world around us..So the story was pretty much done in the first night
(Bearing in mind we both have highly creative jobs and doing a 8hr day and then doing a another of 6-8hrs of highly creative work and then having 3-4 hrs sleep before starting it all again was pretty fuking draining emotionally and physically.. BUT AWESOME FUN.. )
So after 4-5 redraws on the storyboards and writing the proposal it was already to be posted.. and I sure was ready for a drink last night!
Me & J have worked on a few small animations in the past but this was probaly the best work we have come up to date.. I reallt surprised myself with how awesome the storyboards looked!
I will try post a few pages of it when I get around to scanning them
This shows the development of a wheke aka. octopus.. he is a part of a story that I am working on.. I have shared any drawings lately so here you go..
It took just over and hour to go from concept drawings to a final image, NB. the shading is built up of flat colour so it tranfers across programs smoother
Its a bit more upbeat and just as infectious than their previous 'Energy State' its a solid summer album with its fusion of soul-jazz perfect for those lazy summer afternoons by the pool.. my favourite is Walk Away
This about sums up New years.. a bit of a blur.. Its never a good thing when think you are sweet but then when you see the pics.. and oh no you weren't.. It was a good night not as crazy as past years, the rain i believe is to blame. We spent the 4 days running up to New Years as warm-ups..
yep... its been awhile since I last posted. It has been a mad 3 weeks, I spent most of it chilling at the beach although the weather was unseasonably cold it was great none-the-less.. many a beverage was consumed and a tales told..
I am slowly easing myself back into work, yesterday actually nearly killed me. I spent the hour of our staff meeting trying to keep my eyes open, much to the amusement of my collegues.. But today I am on fire.. I am actually achieving something productive and keeping my eyes open..
Its another cracker day today and the sun is calling me outside...
I hope everyone had a magic break and feel all refreshed :)