As of this writing, there is still no end to be seen to the Gulf oil spill. And as we all watch the gallons of oil spilling into the water and onto land, we can't help but wonder what we can do to help. So a couple weeks ago, we decided to reach out to Threadless member Frederik Wepener of South Africa to work with our own Ross Zietz on a collaboration tee. The result is this design, peliCA... all proceeds go to "Restore the Gulf fund"
I am putting in an entry into the Matariki wearable arts this year.. but of course its Tuesday afternoon and I am required to drop it off for prejudging at midday on Thursday.. and I haven't really started.. I do however have everything I need to start now.
cardboard stupid amounts of masking tape paint more cardboard a loving gf to make me coffee & ONE HUGE IDEA..
Sorted I will post pics of udpates hopefully tomorrow if not thursday. Be prepared for amazingness!