Thursday, December 21, 2006

All you need is love...

This honestly one of the albums of the year its absolutely incredible!

Well I kinda haven't started christmas shopping really yet, its like I don't think there is enough pressure or something.. I have less than 36 hours before I need to make my way home and in that 36 hours I have alot to do... like

*Do my Christmas shopping.... presents and groceries

*Washing some clothes

*Working (pretending to anyway)

*Joining the Christmas festivities..
BBQ tonight, Breakfast and lunch dates tommorrow and tommorrow night is "piss-mas" at the flat before we all take off.. which means we get drunk exchange presents and sing christmas carols very loudly

peace out x
good luck with shopping

Friday, December 15, 2006


Yep.. its that time of the week again.. the end..
Its been a long and eventful week and to be honest I am glad it is nearly over. These photo's where taken a couple of weekends ago on the way to Catherines farewell.. Bye Catherine she flies out tonight to live in the UK..

I really am going to miss you. x

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


this has a song for everyday of the week (minus Wednesday) apparently I don't have any songs about Wednesdays..

click here

Monday Morning - Fleetwood Mac
Forever Tuesday Morning - The Mockers
Outlook For Thursday - Dave Dobbyn (DD Smash)
Friday Night - The Darkness
Everyday's a Saturday - Elemeno P
Sunday Morning - No Doubt

You Probaly Can't See for the Lights But You Were Staring Straight At Me

View from our deck....
the round thing is actually the moon not part of that building

Monday, December 11, 2006

Who needs a front lawn anyway?

this was taken a few months ago.. I home and there a giant GIANT pile of dirt where our front lawn use to be and and an even bigger digger.. it was honestly the length of the front section..

Its Gaaa-huge..

Friday, December 08, 2006

Thursday, November 30, 2006

God-damn rain!!!

this honestly sums up the day..
its raining and because I keep doing stupid things and hurting myself the rain kills me.. but I really like PUDDLES, jumping in them barefooted
I am struggling to draw today..

I hope everyone else's weather is better

Friday, November 10, 2006

"Ground control to Major Tom.."

Well.. I have just realised how much influence the sun actually has on my mood, its actually quite scary.. The weather has been pretty much shit here the las few weeks really, you may get a nice one every say 10 days.. Today I woke up with the sun streaming in my window onto my bed and I was overhelmed with happiness and excitement.. True it could be because it is Friday.
Tommorrow night we are having a Bbq apparently cause it is my lunar birthday or something, its like we need an excuse for a party.. So I am going to let the hippyness shine through.
The sign sums it up nicely I thought..

Have a fantastic weekend

Peaced-out-pickled x

Monday, November 06, 2006

BBQ anyone?

If your in the area.. come along :)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Peace, Love & Happiness

Maybe we should all take some time out of our busy lives to enjoy the people that are in our lives, you never know how long they are going to be there for..

peace x

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween...

hmmm... CAke...

Happy birthday to all those celebrating birthdays today..
enjoy some cake...

Friday, October 27, 2006


Well I got persuaded to go along to the formal employee awards last night for work.. first I wasn't keen because I hate getting dressed up..

It turned out to be a bloody good night, good wine, good company, and bloody good music..

Thursday, October 19, 2006


This is what I woke up to the other morning, I was so sleepy I couldn't even hold my phone still enough.. there hasn't been many nice mornings lately.

I am lucky to have a house that looks out over the city and even better so does my room, so I go to sleep to the lights and wake up to the sun.. what more could you possibly want


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Free hugs

Here is a feel good vid for a tuesday.. It made me feel a little better after hearing that the video I made a friend of mine over in the UK for her birthday had her in tears.. tears of happines but tears none-the-less

enjoy your tuesday x

Monday, October 16, 2006

Wines to try..

Here are a few New Zealand that you really should try..

*'Fat Cat' is a Chardonnay.. (im not as much of a fan of Chardonnay but it is very nice)

*'Monkey Bay' Sav.. (really yummy)

*'Cat Peed on the Gooseberry Bush' Sav.. (I am more of a fan of the name.. yummy wine like monkey bay)

*Matua Valley Sav (really nice Sav a nice dinner wine)

*Montana Sav.. this is diffenately one of my favourites (not pictured)

Diffenately try the Monkey Bay, Cat Peed on the Gooseberry Bush & the Montana

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

HAppy Birfday Playdoh...

I may be a little late but... Playdoh turned a half century this year..

Go on go smell/eat some play dough..

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I like paste...

It has been one of those days today... while it has been actually quite productive my brain feels like mush and could start dribbling out my ears at any given moment.. Above is an example of why...


Wednesday, September 27, 2006


This is the result of my snowboarding in August.. My had has healed enough for me to finish the images...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006

zap zap zap!!!

yahhh.. its Friday and I have been up since 4am, its not very often you will ever hear of me getting up that early.. more likely going to bed at that time. I did the airport drop-offs this morning so I am starting to hit the wall in a big way about now!

Anyway France here is that song you wanted it is the first one Everything I Own
Let me know if you have any issues getting it

Have a fantastically weekend all x

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

argghhhhh... it be pirate day!

Well yesterday was actually pirate day but I didn't have time to finish the image til today so.. Arrrggghhhhhh.. for today..

I hope you all have a fantastic day sharing the pirate love to all around and just plain freaking people out!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Smurfing good time..

I'm sure what intially sparked this conversation but.. has anyone else wondered why there is only girl smurf and they just keep reproducing..

So is Papa smurf pimping her out.. cause they sure don't look like him!

Can anyone else say 'incest..'

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Well its been a little while.. my arm is pretty much sorted I got out of my cast a few weeks ago.
We moved house on the weekend so the new house is in a state of confusion no-one is really sure where anything is.. I'm not sure where my toothbrush ended up so I had to go get a new one.

We have the most gorgeous deck that looks out over the city and gets all the morning sun.. waking up with the sun pouring in makes it so much easier to get up in the morning!

Peace out!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Woof woof..

Cast update:::

I got it changed yesterday now it's cookie monster blue and I can't move my thumb which in turn makes drawing a little difficult.... damn it !!!

Smashing Good Time

This is a result of a fucking awesome weekend!.. It was like thee best its just a little gutting that this the by-product of such a good weekend.

So we decided to go down to the mountain for a bit of a snowboard all good and well I had n't done it since I was about 11.. Well anyway it was most amusing I had the speed thing down unfortunately not so much the stopping or turning.. this was only minor..

Anyway I took a couple of pretty hard falls/skidding down the hill with a snowboard attached to me feet and ended walking halfway down the hill to the bottom a sat around for a bit before I decided I was in enough pain to see a doctor. I had get my right shoulder and hand x-rayed and left there several hours later with my arm in a cast.

This wasn't about to slow me down though.. we got on the piss and drove to Ohakune for Mardigra (snow festival) and spent the night dancing in the street in the rain it was awesome!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Combinations of Flavours..

I was driving home from a day at the beach, probaly shouldn't really have been driving but ..hey. After having 3 huge nights on the piss and running on minimal sleep, one feels rather sleeply while driving the long and winding road. I would blink and re-open my eyes and I would be crossing the centre line.. so I devised a plan to keep myself awake... chewing gum and sippin juice at the same time..

What an interesting yet stragely satisfying combination - peppermint extra with fresh pulp-y feijoa juice.. It works a treat.. There is a small problem with this in-genius plan - pips from the feijoa juice after a while imbed themselves into the gum.. thats not so cool..

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Panic at the Disco!

Well I got my music fix for this week or so.. or until next time I get bored of my current selection which shouldn't be for at least another few weeks.. but there is soooooo much new music being released at the moment .. Its awesome!!

Soo today I picked up the much awaited locals The Black Seeds follow-up album.. "Into the Dojo" It just screams summer with its relaxed reggae/dub beats and smooth vocals .. so worth a listen as is their previous album "On the Sun".. I think the Seed's are doing a release tour in August around NZ.

And if you haven't checked them out already 'Fat Freddy's Drop "Based on a True Story" get it now it is an incredible album!

I also picked up Panic at the DIsco!'s "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out".. My god what a fucking cool album.. it is so the mood I am in today, it's a little bit punk a little bit... ahh its just awesome go give it a listen its got some catchy as singles on it..

Over and Out.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The high that is life....

Well I think summer is on its way.. its not as bitingly cold in the morning any more and the sun is a little brighter, and is staying around a little more and more each day.. or maybe I am simply dreaming.. The sun makes me oh so happy, don't get me wrong there are things I love about winter.. fires, sleeping, snowboarding.. but the sun is like a drug.

What could be nicer chilling with mates on summers evening with a few drinks, the smell of the BBQ and some good beats.. Its heaven.. ohh bring on summer I am sick of this average grey days..

Friday, July 07, 2006

Ohhhh the pain..

Well I went to the dentist yesterday.. how cant they justify charging you so much money for putting you so much fucking pain! I started off with 3 injections.. I REALLY DON'T LIKE INJECTIONS.. that was when the pain started.. Why do both the dentist and helper feel the need to put their hands in there? you just want to bite them!

That was sweet then I had to go back to work which was fine.. I have the sort of job where I can just put my headphones and no-one will bother me. So all I could eat yesterday was yoghurt.

It just topped off a fantastic week really, I found out at the week that the job I had basically got was no longer mine cause the guy I was taking over for wanted his old job back so they gave it back to him.. totally gutting.. now I have 3 weeks to find a job, I lost my voice after a huge weekend and still don't really have it back..

but on a brighter note it is Friday and you know what that means... sleeping, playing and alcohol

Monday, July 03, 2006

Thee first fence post

Welcome one and all... don't be shy.. make yourself at home, my home is your home.

Here's a little a bit about me...

I am what would be known as the village idiot with a subsantional music addiction.. yes music addiction... I can not go into a music store and leave empty handed there is always music cranking where ever I am.. it doesn't matter what genre it is I love it all!!!