Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I somehow just missed my mouth & spilt coffee all over yesterdays production drawings! DAMN IT!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Warning - Low battery

I am bored stupid(er) - I shouldn't be I have stuff I 'should' be doing but there is no-one in the office & well hell.. its friday! I want to go to sleep.
The above picture is why you shouldn't give me boring jobs on a friday when I am sick & there is no-one to talk to.. obvs. I am going to add to the dinosaurs I drew yesterday. The one at the very top is like dinosaur with a turtle shell & a monkey tail.

Healing the world

(I took these photos last week early one morning)

What a bizaare day I woke up to the news that Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson have both passed away. The whole week has been strange, work, people & things. I have been reading stuff this week (if you know me at all this is very rare!) most of the stuff that has been bought to my attention has been done via Autostraddle.com about stereotypes, peoples assumptions other interesting stuff, like how someones sexual orientation is only a part of who someone & it shouldn't be treated as the most important part its only such a small part of that person. There is a really interesting article about Tegan&Sara here on page 40

I have realised how much smells, perfumes & music trigger certain memories & feelings.Today I can smell Pete's aftershave - I haven't even seen Pete today.
I can smell my own perfume which is new & smells amazing - Thanks Mummy & Daddy, I think my senses are in overdrive..

I am currently filling me ears with "Thriller"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I just had a picnic at my desk with some dinosaurs (they may or not be the ones that I spent the morning drawing while avoiding real work) & a stapler.. we had crackers, raisins & mandrins it was yum!

I don't wanna wait in vain for your love

Toasted, excited & hungry

I am ridic hungry again! It must indeed be thursday.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reggae Monster

I wanna love you and treat you right;
I wanna love you every day and every night:
Well be together with a roof right over our heads;
Well share the shelter of my single bed;

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Frozen yoghurt

It was another fricking cold morning this morning.. I really like the cold mornings if it turns out to be another kickass day. It was cold enough overnight to actually freeze the banana that was left in my car! Apart from being able use it as a weapon - it was hard as a rock.. it still tasted pretty damn good.

I am tempted to leave some yoghurt in my car tonight to see if it is indeed frozen yoghurt the next morning because that would be awesome!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Morning coffee fix

I had a kickass weekend, I was feeling a little average on friday arvo.. went home for a quick sleep before training with Petedog & snowflake. Training was hard but it good at the same time we ran stairs (last week we ran stairs I literally couldn't walk for the next 5 days) ran some more, did some crunches then ran a giant fuck-off hill not once but TWICE!

I got up on Saturday went to the gym then drove back home & spent the weekend chilling with Ma & Pa Kettle it was the best weekend I have had in ages waaaay relaxed.

Everything is going smoothly with me I have a small bout of tonsilitis again & they have decided to finally put me on the waiting list to get them extracted which will be kinda awesome seen as though I have had tonsilitis 6-7 times this already :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Kids Of 88 - MY HOUSE

How you know when its cold outside..

When your car resembles more of an ice block than anything else.The water bottle that was on the passengers seat & you have great plans to de-frost the side window with - because your impatient and cold.. IS FROZEN SOLID.

Thursday, June 18, 2009



It's been a long 2 days. I am about 10 mins away from handing over the video that has consumed me for the last few days/nights editing-wise, it is being used in the production tonight. It's really quite rough but you can't expect much else after on two nights of editing after working 8-9hr days.

I played to games of netball last night which was rather amusing considering I am rather crook,
its a) a cold or b) tonsilitis again..

the dude that was defending obvs. didn't get the memo that its actually a non-contact sport. Launching yourself at me when I have already caught the ball is quite obvs. a contact asshole!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dyslexia Action Week 2009

You can download the single here or view the video here

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This still makes me laugh EVERY time

Hungry Hungry Hippo's

I am ridiculously hungry today..
What is wrong with me!

It may be because I have started training again,
I should really be at the gym now but my motivation is through the floor & I have far too much work on.

I am totally raging some cheesey pop music today its rather enjoyable.
I'm much better today I got some sleep last night everything seems to have settled a bit

New Tee's

inspired by the terrifying washing machine on Trademe
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Bye Miss Hayley

Have a fantastic trip :)
You should almost be boarding your plane soon

Soothing my soul

CANCER: (June 22 to July 23)
You speak from the heart and others listen. Allow time for the full impact of your messages to hit home but take comfort in the fact positive change is underway.
A peaceful atmosphere soothes your soul.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Justice & Boobies

Getting it off my chest..

This is pretty much exactly how I feel right now.. I had/am still having a few rough days.
I am not sure if this is because I am exhausted or the fact that everything is turning upside down & I have no control of whats happening or how its making me feel

Come on people, if you come in to talk to me & I look clearly upset perhaps you should ask me how I am doing rather than telling me all your problems then leaving.. this doesn't help & to be honest it's making me question our friendships. I am ALWAYS there for you guys and the one-time I need your support you are too wrapped up in your shit to even see mine

// Ok I feel much better now //

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Yes we are!

The only thing we can do is be honest with ourselves & our feelings if we have any hope of coming out the other side in one piece.

Friday, June 05, 2009

The Dinosaurs Song

Why are you dressed as a dinosaur?

(I looked nothing at all like this)

The following conversation took part last night

Me: Hey yo, whats happening?

Kylie: Not much just chilling at home,
what are you doing?

Me: I am dressed as a dinosaur

Kylie: bahaha.. Why

Me: cause its Thursday, duh..

Kylie: Seriously why are you dressed as a dinosaur..

This conversation went on for many minutes & eventually ended after much laughter & confusion

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Your one true love - I could’ve been her
I would have thrown out all my shoes for you
I gave you space. You gave me flowers

Thank you all..

After a slightly crazy, hazy day the opening went off without a hitch & was incredible thank you to everybody that came to support me & check out my painting - it really means more a lot.

This is the blurb that went with the painting:
Title: Prince of Thieves

This piece symbolises the fight between right and wrong - and if you are stealing from the ‘rich’ to give to the ‘poor’ does that make it okay? Or is it still stealing? It ultimately comes down to perspective; who are the rich? If it's in a video game context, does that make it okay? In video games the lines between right and wrong are blurred; you fight and steal gold and various other precious items to get to the end of the game
The player has to "acquire" gold rings from wherever he can to keep playing the game; they are rewarded for stealing.

I spend my working days designing and drawing pictures at Wintec. To offset all this computer nonsense, I paint and make stuff, sometimes film stuff and enjoy a coffee anytime of the day. Other interests include: hog wraselin', worm farming, tree climbing and specialising generic mayhem.

This is piece is for sale if anyone is interested flick me an email

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


After many hours of painting and getting some-what high on clear coat I am DONE!
I feel a little dazed and now i really could do with a weekend now.

Fat Freddy's album is cranking, most def worth a listen its a little bit different from 'Based on a True Story' but still mean. I am sitting at my desk in this hazy bubble
listening to awesome tunes eating rice crackers feeling a little numb,

I will put up pictures of my painitng tomorrow after the opening.