Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A little water anyone?

This is sure to solve all the water problems for the world!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


its a brillant song and can be found here

Monday, May 28, 2007


At Bowling on Friday night we won 1st= for best dressed.. I must see we were looking mighty smashing in our white overalls, shirts, ectoplasma packs and mighty hot avaitors on! We didn't do to bad at the bowling either considering.. I managed a turkey.. 3 consecutive strikes, it pretty much went down hill from there.. I would like to thank my lovely team-mates..

That is all..

Fricking fruck!

I had a magic weekend, until yesterday morning.. lost/misplaced my wallet.. I found that and then my car (the little red rolla) refused to start or more importantly release the steering lock with the key. So instead I got picked up and did a little gibstopping and skimming of some walls at a mates place. Got back to the rolla pulled the iginition barrel out, its rusty as hell and basically screwed. We (and by we I mean John) got the it so it can be started with a screwdriver, but the steering lock is still jammed and battery is as flat as.. well a flat battery

//foot update//
I'm back at work today still pretty sore but the work is piling up.. the bruising is still pretty impressive, the xray's came back clean which is a good thing and its just ligament and tissue damage..

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rolling Turkey's

So to keep me entertained whilst not being able to work/walk.. I am making shirts for "Extreme Bowling" that is happening tommorrow.. so me and the spray can are becoming very good friends.. I will post the actual pics sometime tommorrow..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday, Why do you hate me?

Its still gammy, better than yesterday but still a little on the painful side of things and I am bored!
Hell I was bored yesterday after an hour of trying not to do anything.. Stu-y I feel your pain on the boredom.. The bruising is changing colour and spreading over my foot more..

In other news..

I am the worlds biggest idiot! I went up to the hospital today for my hand appointment (I'm just plain gammy) and left my headlights on then when I went to turn them off realised that I had locked the doors and HEELLLO the keys are still in the iginition! so as well as having to break into my car I also needed a jumpstart YAY for drugged up retards!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Friday night action

So I fell in an uncovered construction hole on Friday night SOBER and this is what my foot looked like yesterday morning, its actually like 4x bigger than that now.. I am just waiting to for my doctors appointment this morning.. what a treat!

it has actually got bigger and blacker.. yay for doing dumb things!

Friday, May 18, 2007

FRiday.. Yep thats right its Friday..

Im in serious need of some form of alcohol..
I hope everyone has a good weekend

Meet you at the pub!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So does anybody want to borrow my chainsaw.. I can teach you how to successfully cut bits off a tree without chopping off your arm :)

Made-up Words of the Week

Multislacking: performing multiple slacker-esque tasks concurrently. Among activities that qualify: checking your MySpace page, surfing Wikipedia, chatting, and half-watching random videos on YouTube.

Embiggen: to make more admirable or great.

Testosterphone: to make a quick and to-the-point phone call that lasts less than 30 seconds.

Cubicle speed: any caffeine-laden food or energy drink used to stay awake in a modern office.

Check your vitals: to check your email, myspacepage, blog, and/or any daily essential websites.

Floordrobe: a form of storage for clothing which requires no hangers, drawers, doors or effort. Drop the garment on the floor and you have a floordrobe.

Mantastic: feeling fantastic after the successful completion of a particularly macho feat.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

shooty things

I had a pretty average weekend.. actually really average!
I am struggling to keep my head together so.. if you come near me trying to give me more work and you get shot with rubber darts its nothing personal..

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


ohhh.. wait its tuesday!
ok... tuesday is the new monday!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Its FRiday!

this was the first sign that I was asked to make and it kinda spawned into the one underneath.. oh the simplest things for the simplest minds especially on a friday..

signs are great.. if anyone is after these or anyother signs flick me an email and send them through..

have a fantastic weekend! x

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I am oozing brillance today....
thats right oooozing

-that is all..

I actually feel like Im in a comic book.. its weird!

yep its tuesday and my brain is comic mode.. this may sound a little funny but it happens quite I see the world as.. well a comic everyone sorta looks distorted and like they are like how i would draw them... and I feel excited like jumping out of skin excited.. (no I'm not on drugs.. well nothing illegal anyway)..

I hope everyone has a good day and looks at the world a little differently today :)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Hmmm....Its never a good sign when you are figuring out what you are having for Dinner and its not even lunchtime....

So yeah its a Monday morning and I more than a little distracted to be honest.. my mind is everywhere but here, which makes working a little difficult.. Anyway this is what I making for dinner.. thats what boredom and being hungry does to me.. I look for recipes... its a nice simple penne with tomato and basil... who's coming for dinner then?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Do you wanna borrow my pillow?

I have already had a little nap under my desk if anyone wants to borrow it.. its still warm..

Blue Lakes

I know its a little late but this is the view from the Blue Lakes Dub Festival in Feb we went to this was taken at 1pm and it was pretty much empty and the sun was beating down.. you can actually see the Blue lake in the backgroud to the right..
It soon got real.. real packed and some how we managed to get right up the front to dance with security..