Saturday, January 12, 2008

And.... I'm back in the tron, still in complete dangley holiday mode
It was awesome being at the beach for the last 2-something weeks but its actually being back to the flat sorting my shit and preping myself for the coming weeks of madness.

So its Saturday morning I woke up and couldn't figure out where I was, watched me some cartoons in my sleepy state & then crawled out of bed to put the coffee on what a perfect morning! My car has been fixed and now runs more like a car and not a tractor and the screw removed from the tyre.. I feel great its 10:56am and I actually am free to do anything.. ANYTHING at all!

I spent yesterday afternoon just cruising and drawing which was awesome it was the first time in 7-8 months that I have actually been able to just draw for the sake of drawing it felt awesome! I will post some of them in the next few days..

Have a great weekend x

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