Thursday, May 17, 2007

Made-up Words of the Week

Multislacking: performing multiple slacker-esque tasks concurrently. Among activities that qualify: checking your MySpace page, surfing Wikipedia, chatting, and half-watching random videos on YouTube.

Embiggen: to make more admirable or great.

Testosterphone: to make a quick and to-the-point phone call that lasts less than 30 seconds.

Cubicle speed: any caffeine-laden food or energy drink used to stay awake in a modern office.

Check your vitals: to check your email, myspacepage, blog, and/or any daily essential websites.

Floordrobe: a form of storage for clothing which requires no hangers, drawers, doors or effort. Drop the garment on the floor and you have a floordrobe.

Mantastic: feeling fantastic after the successful completion of a particularly macho feat.

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